It & 39; s, as if their whole business is paralyzed because sales dry up or customers are on holiday. In my experience, this is hogwash. If this setting, you sell a bill of goods not worth the paper it& 39;s printed on.
There is no need to punish us (supposedly?) Alen seasonal decline in sales, or slower pace of sales. Instead, it is important to recognize the natural cycles of people and companies go through.
In sales for 15 years, I found the months of July and August were quite different than the rest of the year. Peoples & 39; heads are somewhere else - they do not want to be sold anything.
That said, there are a number of things those of us on the supply side can do to show them tendency.
1. This seasonal sales declines are an opportunity to do aggressive marketing - which range from:
development of advertising copy (Web, direct mail, newspaper / magazine advertising)
writing articles for a publication
-pounding the pavement for talks - small and large, close-far
and explore new niches - the use of " " extra time to identify new markets
visit potential strategic alliances - Develop your marketing channels
2. Remember, always one week off before an off week. Not to suggest it. You need the time off too.
3. Use this situation the most clever by time in this season seriously work on both your vision and your 3-year plan. From these two pieces, you can continue to develop new strategies, operations, products, services and offerings.
My attitude is that this summer doldrums create the opportunity to a new level of momentum in your business. The fact that the dynamics, you can opt for a strong and busy autumn schedule.
So when sales and business activities are easier or quieter now, take advantage of the time, is free to raise your sights on the long-term vision you have for your company. Spend some time in the piece you get there. notebook computer
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